Six Reasons I Hunt Mushrooms and Why You Should Too

<p>As a kid, I thought few things were stranger and more repulsive than fungi. They smelled weird, looked strange, were sometimes poisonous, grew on dead things, and &mdash; for some reason I could not fathom &mdash; were used as pizza toppings. Who wanted to eat such things when there were other perfectly good snacks to chomp on? In Ghostbusters, when Egon explained to Janine that his hobbies included collecting &ldquo;spores, mold and fungus,&rdquo; I chalked it up to his eccentric personality, and perhaps something about his job as a scientist. Now, as an adult, I realize that Egon actually had it all figured out.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: hunt Mushrooms