Don’t Ever Give Up

<p><strong>1938</strong>. A Brit politician tosses a hunk of Bohemian meat at the nazi Beast in a vain attempt to satisfy the beast&rsquo;s blood craving.</p> <p>The sacrifice doesn&rsquo;t work.</p> <p><strong>1939</strong>. The Beast and his thug minions make their move on Czechoslovakia. World War II begins.</p> <p>People in central Europe get sucked in, nation by nation, to the Hell of War.</p> <p>Even so, in the midst of extreme pain and tribulation, life goes on for most folks in the affected area, insofar as it is possible and necessary. People work; they trudge on, raise children, try to make it all work from day to day, even though shit happens and the world implodes around us and the bombs explode around them, death takes over in some places, while . . .</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: hunk Bohemian