“Hope is more Powerful than Fear” — The Wisdom of “The Hunger Games”

<p>I&rsquo;m sure by now most people have watched the movie &ldquo;The Hunger Games&rdquo;. It was not only an amazing book series but, it also proved to be an amazing movie series. I, being one who tends to find deeper meaning in everything, noticed something interesting. Though many would be skeptical and very few think enough to question, I found that much of the way the governing system functions in the movie, proves to function in similar fashion to our actual, real world, government.</p> <p>What&rsquo;s even more controversial, that I could not help but notice, is that in the same way many of the tragedies played out in the movie, and were indirectly orchestrated by the capital, many of our real world events seem to play out.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@EliDCamacho/hope-is-more-powerful-than-fear-the-wisdom-of-the-hunger-games-ee8d578c8146"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hunger Games