How to Find Those Old Online Accounts You Don’t Remember

<p>What do you think:&nbsp;<strong>How many online accounts do you have?</strong>&nbsp;Well, there is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, of course, Medium, MyFitnessPal, GitHub, Slack for work, oh and a couple of apps on your phone, maybe some accounts with some online shops&hellip;? But that&lsquo;s no more than 50, right?</p> <p>Actually, that number is more likely in the hundreds. According to&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Dashlane</a>, the average American had 150 online accounts in 2017, and they predicted that this number could reach 300 by 2022. It&rsquo;s 2020 now, and<strong>&nbsp;</strong>each of us probably has more than 200 accounts&mdash;because of the ones we don&rsquo;t even remember. Most of the online services and apps you use require an account setup. Even if you just want to quickly try something or look something up, you will create that account.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>