A Hundred Fragrant Seeds

<p>So far, my job has taught me that desk graffiti, cafeteria lunches, and teenage giggling are a universal language. And, I guess, so is Toto&rsquo;s &ldquo;Africa.&rdquo; I have about ten full days under my belt, and I don&rsquo;t want to be foolishly optimistic, but I think I&rsquo;m going to make it.<br /> <br /> Ghost month has come to a close here in Taiwan, which means fewer tables in the street with food on them, and fewer dirty looks when I whistle without thinking. At the beginning of ghost month, someone told me I shouldn&rsquo;t whistle as whistling is known to attract ghosts. Ghosts are more active at night and during ghost month, so you&nbsp;<em>especially&nbsp;</em>don&rsquo;t whistle at night during ghost month. Of course, as soon as someone told me this, I found myself accidentally beginning to whistle constantly without being conscious of it. So I have a parade of ghosts. I haven&rsquo;t asked how our nearby neighbors with whistling pet birds deal with the ghosts yet, but I will find out for you, gentle reader.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@GrahamMOliver/a-hundred-fragrant-seeds-cd03a476266b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>