Humanizing the World

<p>For most of human history, the name of the game has been survival. Widely scattered bands of&nbsp;<em>Homo sapiens</em>&nbsp;struggled for existence during the Ice Age and the years that followed, just like every other life form. There were times back then when the fate of our kind seemed in question. But oh no, not any more&hellip;</p> <p>We are everywhere now &mdash; deep in the equatorial rainforests, at the poles, and all points between. We inhabit the deserts, mountains and steppes, as well as the fertile river valleys where we first got ahead in the game. We move easily through all of nature&rsquo;s realms now: land, sea and air. Who knows how far we can take it? Perhaps someday, we&rsquo;ll inhabit other planets. What&rsquo;s to stop us?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>