<p>How many times do we all log in to our banking app and struggle to find information? We end up searching and encountering a plethora of FAQ links. Then, we attempt to connect with an agent and find ourselves in a 30-minute queue. Sounds familiar, right?</p> <p>This is precisely where&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Conversational UI&nbsp;</a>banking is revolutionizing the retail banking industry. The vision is simple: log in to the app, authenticate yourself, and pose questions naturally. The app responds promptly with accurate answers. For instance, you can inquire about your current balance or whether you&rsquo;ve paid last month&rsquo;s water bill. Beyond just offering information, you can instruct the app to perform actions, such as paying the water bill.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*llm8_iI-W5r_JcRHChm9-Q.png" style="height:530px; width:420px" /></p> <p>Image created by the author</p> <p>In this article, we will explore the key use cases in&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">retail banking</a>&nbsp;where Conversational AI is set to play a pivotal role.</p> <h1>What is Conversational UI</h1> <p>Conversational UI, or User Interface, is a way of interacting with computers or machines using natural language, similar to how we talk to people. Instead of clicking buttons or typing commands, you can have a conversation with a computer through text or speech. It&rsquo;s like chatting with a friend, but you&rsquo;re communicating with a program or system that understands and responds to what you&rsquo;re saying in a human-like way.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: UI Banking