I’ve Been On HRT For a Year. This is How My Life Has Changed.

<p>I almost never answer the phone if I don&rsquo;t know who&rsquo;s on the other side&mdash; heck, I barely answer the phone when I do &mdash; but I had a feeling that this was the call I&rsquo;d been waiting for all month. &ldquo;Ms.&hellip;LaBelle?&rdquo; I heard in a bored, feminine cadence. &ldquo;I&rsquo;m calling from Denver Health. You left us a message about starting hormone therapy?&rdquo;</p> <p>I pulled onto a patch of grass next to the road and tried to speak without a quiver in my voice. &ldquo;Yes,&rdquo; I said, before repeating myself in a slightly higher register. &ldquo;I mean, I don&rsquo;t have a primary care doctor yet, so I don&rsquo;t know if I&rsquo;d need a check-up first, but, um, yes. I&rsquo;d like to speak to someone about HRT.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://cassielabelle.medium.com/ive-been-on-hrt-for-a-year-this-is-how-my-life-has-changed-a08fe1c6bc80"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: HRT