How to Start a Business in 2023

<p>My brother, my daughter, and I did a thing recently. By recently, I mean this summer.</p> <p>We opened a retail shop in our little Pennsylvania town. It&rsquo;s called Sunday Market. It doesn&rsquo;t really matter what we sell, that&rsquo;s not the point of this story, but for the most part it&rsquo;s houseplants and vintage things.</p> <h1>Here&rsquo;s how it started.</h1> <p>My daughter, Adrienne, and I both have ADHD. Winter is hard for both us and we tend to hyperfocus on something during that time.</p> <p>This winter, we had a shared hyperfocus on houseplants. By spring, both of our houses were jungle-like. And we had vases full of propagating tropicals &mdash; everywhere. We got the idea to start listing some of our plants for sale on Facebook Marketplace.</p> <p>That went kind of shockingly well &mdash; we made $300 the first week.</p> <p>We mapped out an idea of having a Sunday market at my house every week &mdash; kind of like a popup plant shop. I live across the street from a church and on our town&rsquo;s main street, so there&rsquo;s tons of foot traffic. (That&rsquo;s why our shop is called Sunday Market.)</p> <p>Then we paid $30 to have a table at a vender event in town over Mother&rsquo;s Day weekend. We added some vintage art, because I have piles of it. I can&rsquo;t resist it at the thrift stores.</p> <p>We made $1000 that weekend and must have been asked a hundred times where our shop was. We didn&rsquo;t have one, of course. And somewhere in the middle of all this, we learned that we couldn&rsquo;t actually have a Sunday market at my house. It&rsquo;s not allowed.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>