How to prepare for job placement as an Indian student and not cry yourself to sleep every night

<p>Welcome to the struggle, my fellow Indian students! As someone who has been on LeetCode for a year and has learned a thing or two, let me give you some advice on how to survive the job placement process without losing your mind.</p> <p>First things first, forget about FAANG. You don&rsquo;t need them, they need you! &nbsp;Now, let&rsquo;s get down to business.</p> <p>In this post, I&rsquo;ll divide the whole lifecycle of learning DSA and problem-solving into 4 phases and show you how to tackle each phase one by one. Additionally, I&rsquo;ll share a&nbsp;<strong>good way</strong>&nbsp;to solve any problem on LeetCode, along with getting the most out of it.</p> <p>Prologue Let&rsquo;s divide the whole lifecycle of learning DSA and problem-solving into 4 phases:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Phase &mdash; 1(Naruto)</strong>&nbsp;(You know a programming language but never touched DSA or never did problem-solving in the past)</li> <li><strong>Phase &mdash; 2(Luffy)</strong>&nbsp;(You know basic data structures and have done some ~200&ndash;250 problems on leetcode from different topics and different difficulty levels but not started with advanced data structures)</li> <li><strong>Phase &mdash; 3(Goku)</strong>&nbsp;(You know basic and advanced data structures but you still struggling to perform better on leetcode contests especially with the hard problems, in other words, you are not feeling confident in DSA)</li> <li><strong>Phase &mdash; 4(Saitama)</strong>&nbsp;(You are not struggling with any topics, you have already mastered the art of problem-solving by brute practice, effort, and hard work)</li> </ol> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a>&nbsp;</p>