How to Make Great Business Decisions That You’ll Not Regret

<p>At some level, I&rsquo;d like to be able to trust myself in my decisions, but if I&rsquo;m irrational, then I can&rsquo;t do that. Luckily, I think there&rsquo;s actually a lot that you and I can do about this.</p> <p>At some level, where you are right now is the result of all the decisions that you&rsquo;ve made up to this point, right? So I think it&rsquo;s a worthy goal to strive toward being as clear minded as possible.</p> <p>Today, I&rsquo;m gonna focus on decision-making because I&rsquo;ve made some really bad choices in the past, and it would be lovely to do that a little bit less often moving forward.</p> <p>So what I&rsquo;ve done is I&rsquo;ve compiled five techniques or things to keep in mind that I use to help myself make better decisions.</p> <h1>Don&rsquo;t make (important) decisions after lunch.</h1> <p>Daniel Pink, in his book &ldquo;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">When</a>,&rdquo; talks about this concept of a trough.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s something that we all go through in the day. It usually happens seven hours after waking up. This is where we encounter a drop in&nbsp;<em>energy levels,&nbsp;</em>and this corresponds with really bad decision-making.</p> <p>According to him, he suggests making decisions, especially important ones in the morning when you&rsquo;re going through a peak.</p> <p>He goes more in-depth in his book, and I highly recommend it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>