How to fix a HAL 9000

<p>Way before Siri could tell a joke or Alexa could play our favourite tune, HAL 9000 from &lsquo;2001: A Space Odyssey&rsquo; was serving us a masterclass in computers getting&hellip; well, a tad too emotional. &ldquo;I&rsquo;m sorry, Dave, I&rsquo;m afraid I can&rsquo;t do that,&rdquo; it said, making us wonder if our tech was on the cusp of throwing a cosmic-sized tantrum.</p> <p>Not too long ago, the thought of AI&rsquo;s achieving sentience, turning malevolent, crafting paper clips in alarmingly inventive ways and dominating humanity was mildly entertaining. Rewatching 2001 recently, however, I couldn&rsquo;t help but feel the HAL 9000 emerges not as a mere cinematic spectacle but as an unsettling precursor to what we now understand as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). With its proficiency in natural language processing, real-time decision-making, and sensor integration, HAL mirrors the capabilities of today&rsquo;s advanced AI models.</p> <p>More people (including myself) and&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">organisations</a>&nbsp;are taking the concept of AI alignment much more seriously. And while rewatching the HAL 9000 disaster unfold, I couldn&rsquo;t help but wonder if it all could have been avoided had HAL simply had companions. A team of AIs to debate and decide, rather than a lone ranger taking the call? I want to explore this in this article &mdash; could the secret to creating an aligned AI lie in collective collaboration?</p> <h2>HAL&rsquo;s Moral Dilemma &amp; The Importance of Diverse AI Systems</h2> <p><strong>A critical aspect often overlooked in &lsquo;2001: A Space Odyssey&rsquo;&nbsp;</strong>is that the HAL 9000 wasn&rsquo;t inherently evil or malfunctioning. Designed for truthfulness, precision, and obedience, HAL encountered a moral dilemma: reconciling contradictory directives. The machine grappled with keeping the mission&rsquo;s true nature a secret from the astronauts while maintaining honesty in its interactions.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: HAL Alexa