How to create an APK from the Android App Bundle

<p>Let&#39;s suppose that for some reason we are interested in doing some tests with the version of Android that is in production and we cannot install it directly from the Play Store because it is being published progressively, one option is&nbsp;<strong>to download the AAB file from the Google Play Console and generate the APK.</strong></p> <p>To generate the APK, we will need the signing key and install the&nbsp;<strong><em>bundletool</em></strong>.</p> <h2>What is bundletool</h2> <p><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>bundletool</em></a>&nbsp;is a tool used by Android Studio and Google Play&nbsp;<strong>to compile an Android App Bundle</strong>.</p> <p><em>bundletool</em>&nbsp;can be used via the command line,&nbsp;<strong>allowing us to generate an APK from an AAB.</strong></p> <h1>How to install bundletool</h1> <p>It is possible to download it from the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">GitHub repository</a>&nbsp;and run the jar file.</p> <p>On the other hand, if you have MacOS,<strong>&nbsp;the easiest way to install&nbsp;<em>bundletool</em>&nbsp;is through Homebrew</strong>, a package manager. In this case, once Homebrew is installed, simply run in the terminal:</p> <pre> $ brew install bundletool</pre> <p>During the installation, it will notify us if the tool is not in the&nbsp;<strong>PATH</strong>&nbsp;and, if so, how to solve it.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>