How to Crack Machine learning Interviews at FAANG!

<p>Cracking a machine learning interview at companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix, Snap etc. really comes down to nailing few patterns that these companies look for. In this article, I plan to share my experience interviewing with these companies and also how I went about preparing.</p> <h1>About me:</h1> <p>I am currently a Principle Machine learning engineer at Roblox in their Personalization team. Previously I worked at Meta and Airbnb. I have been part of two teams at Meta. I was an early ML engineer in the Misinformation modeling team, working on hoax classification models. After 3 years at Misinformation, I moved to the Instagram Ads ranking team where I was part of the core-optimization team building and improving upon Ads ranking models across all surfaces of Instagram (Feed, Stories, Reels, etc).</p> <h1>My interview experiences</h1> <p>I&rsquo;ve been on the job market for the past two months and attended ~10 onsite interviews and have 6 offers from Google and a few others for ML roles. From among my offers, I decided to join Airbnb in their Relevance product ranking team. This was my first job search attempt since graduating with my Master&rsquo;s almost 6 years ago and I had to learn the landscape of ML interviews to go about strategizing my preparation.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: FAANG Crack