How to Combine Observability-driven Development and Security

<p>In today&rsquo;s tech landscape, applications are more intricate, making them vulnerable to various cyber threats and data breaches due to their extensive data connections.</p> <p>Traditional security methods struggle to keep up with the rapidly evolving threat landscape.</p> <p>This is where&nbsp;<strong>observability&nbsp;</strong>steps in.</p> <h1>What is observability-driven development?</h1> <p><strong><em>Observability-driven development</em></strong>&nbsp;(ODD) strives to create highly transparent systems by integrating observability into the entire software development process, starting from the early stages of code instrumentation.</p> <p>Unlike conventional monitoring which concentrates solely on the application&rsquo;s health, observability offers a comprehensive understanding of the system&rsquo;s performance through real-time data.</p> <h2>Embedding observability in development</h2> <p>Observability-driven development is emerging as a methodology for comprehensively observing, maintaining and optimizing complex systems. By utilizing metrics, logs, traces, events, and observability tools, development teams can achieve several key objectives:</p> <ol> <li>Understand the underlying causes of system issues, going beyond mere identification to uncover why problems occur.</li> <li>Attain a comprehensive view of the entire system, from the application to the network layer.</li> <li>Streamline development processes and daily operations through the integration of observability pipelines and automation.</li> <li>Detect performance issues early in the development cycle and address bottlenecks, including those originating from intricate systems such as microservices and cloud-native applications. <ol> <li>Minimize incidents and downtime, while continually enhancing application performance and user satisfaction.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <p><a href="">Read More</a>&nbsp;</p>