How to become stronger even if life gets harder

<p>Today, a reader of mine asked me if I could show him how to be more &lsquo;anti-fragile.&rsquo;</p> <p>The idea was introduced by Nicholas Taleb in his book of the same name.</p> <p>It refers to the process of not only withstanding adversity but actually thriving and improving in the face of challenges.</p> <p>While everyone&rsquo;s shivering in their boots about obstacles, your anti-fragile self is gearing up to grow.</p> <p>This requires awareness.</p> <p><strong>Here are 7 ways you can develop anti-fragility, one of the most under spoken and powerful life skills:</strong></p> <h1>Embrace the suck</h1> <p>In the movie &lsquo;Jarhead,&rsquo; this was a phrase often grunted by soldiers during Desert Storm.</p> <p>When you can find the good in the bad, you&rsquo;l be able to weather horrors like war.</p> <p>Think about how embracing adversity, even finding opportunities in hardship, can help you.</p> <h1>Actively learn from failure.</h1> <p>Most people get depressed over setbacks.</p> <p>Antifragile people sit down and write down all the lessons from their mistakes.</p> <p>They may even do as I do, which is to write a blog about the experience.</p> <p>This is strengthening.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>