How to be a pro in Python using Decorators

<p>In Python, a decorator is a way of modifying or enhancing the behavior of a function or class without changing its source code.&nbsp;Decorators are essentially functions that take a function as input and return a modified function as output.</p> <p>Decorators are defined using the &ldquo;@&rdquo; symbol followed by the decorator function name, which is placed above the function or class to be decorated. When the decorated function or class is called, the decorator function is invoked, and the result is returned instead of the original function or class.</p> <p>Decorators are often used for adding functionality to functions or classes, such as logging, caching, and timing. For example, a decorator function could be used to log the start and end time of a function, or to cache the result of a function to avoid repeated computation.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s an example of a decorator function that logs the start and end time of a function:</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Code Python