How Sperm Whales Bend The Rules of Biology With Their Deep Sea Dives

<p>During World War II, picture guides were even written&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">on how to</a>&nbsp;distinguish the two. Fortunately, modern equipment has now spared these creatures from meeting this fate.</p> <p>But it highlights a whale&rsquo;s presence as a true mammalian submarine and it is no coincidence that a sub&rsquo;s design resembles a whale.</p> <p>The sperm whale&rsquo;s capacity to dive deep is highly underappreciated and, I&rsquo;d wager, would surprise Charles Darwin himself.</p> <p>&ldquo;Piece of cake,&rdquo; I thought.</p> <p>I was floating in the ocean near Bermuda, staring down through the clear azure waters, seeing brightly colored fish darting around among the small coral formations.</p> <p>There was a beautiful, bright shell on the sea floor about 25&ndash;35 meters below me. I decided to go for it.</p> <p>I was a Division 1 swimmer at the time. My lung capacity was superb. I could hold my breath for several minutes. So, naturally, I assumed this would be an easy get.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sperm