How Quasiconvexity works part7(Machine Learning)

<p>We prove homogenization for a class of viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations in the stationary and ergodic setting in one space dimension. Our assumptions include most notably the following: the Hamiltonian is of the form G(p)+&beta;V(x,&omega;), the function G is coercive and strictly quasiconvex, minG=0, &beta;&gt;0, the random potential V takes values in [0,1] with full support and it satisfies a hill condition that involves the diffusion coefficient. Our approach is based on showing that, for every direction outside of a bounded interval (&theta;1(&beta;),&theta;2(&beta;)), there is a unique sublinear corrector with certain properties. We obtain a formula for the effective Hamiltonian and deduce that it is coercive, identically equal to &beta; on (&theta;1(&beta;),&theta;2(&beta;)), and strictly monotone elsewher</p> <p>2. A parallel subgradient projection algorithm for quasiconvex equilibrium problems under the intersection of convex sets(arXiv)</p> <p>Author :&nbsp;<a href=";query=Yen%2C+L+H" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Le Hai Yen</a>,&nbsp;<a href=";query=Muu%2C+L+D" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Le Dung Muu</a></p> <p>Abstract : In this paper, we studied the equilibrium problem where the bi-function may be quasiconvex with respect to the second variable and the feasible set is the intersection of a finite number of convex sets. We propose a projection-algorithm, where the projection can be computed independently onto each component set. The convergence of the algorithm is investigated and numerical examples for a variational inequality problem involving affine fractional operator are provided to demonstrate the behavior of the algorithm</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>