How North Korean hackers became the world’s greatest bank robbers

<p>The Reconnaissance General Bureau, North Korea&rsquo;s equivalent to the CIA, has trained up the world&rsquo;s greatest bank-robbing crews. In just the past few years, RGB hackers have struck more than 100 banks and cryptocurrency exchanges around the world, pilfering more than $650 million. That we know of.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*gFr9b0W5q39XxOJYxngfuA.jpeg" style="height:900px; width:1600px" /></p> <p>Students at Mangyongdae Revolutionary School, a prestigious academy in Pyongyang. North Korea&rsquo;s elite hackers are often deployed to countries with faster internet speeds to target banks around the world. In the US, they&rsquo;ve gone after Wells Fargo, Citibank and the New York Federal Reserve. (Credit: KCNA)</p> <p>Itwas among the greatest heists against a United States bank in history and the thieves never even set foot on American soil.</p> <p>Nor did they target some ordinary bank. They struck an account managed by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, an institution renowned for its security.</p> <p>In vaults 80 feet below the streets of Manhattan, the bank holds the world&rsquo;s largest repository of gold. Many of these gold bars belong to foreign governments, which feel safer storing their gold inside well-defended bunkers in America than at home.</p> <p>By the same token, overseas governments also store cash with the Fed. But this is cash in the 21st-century sense: all ones and zeroes, not smudgy bills. The bank holds vast foreign wealth on humming servers wired up to the internet.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bank robbers