How I Run a $5,500+ Per Month Side Hustle Empire in 3 Hours a Day

<p>I never thought I&rsquo;d have a successful business.</p> <p>For years I jumped from shiny object to shiny object. I fell for every get-rich-quick scheme.</p> <p>I was a wantrepreneur. Today I have a thriving business.</p> <p>This is the exact step-by-step guide I used (steal to get started today):</p> <h1>1. Find a job you like</h1> <p>Not what you were expecting?</p> <p>Everybody hates this step but honestly? The biggest impact in my creator journey was working a job I like. Why? It means there is zero pressure on the part-time thing.</p> <p>Pressure can kill your dreams before they have time to take root. You have to have enough runway to think creatively, to dream and to ideate. If you don&rsquo;t you&rsquo;ll end up publishing obvious content into the void.</p> <h1>2. Find the time to create</h1> <p>Map out an average day. Write down every hour of the day. Then mark on it where your energy levels are the highest.</p> <p>For me? I have the most creativity in the early hours (after some coffee). After lunch, I have a slump and after work, well I have about as much energy as a cat laying in the sun.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Empire Hustle