How I Learned Python in a Day

<p>After several hours of headaches and questioning reality, I finally felt that I had learned Python.</p> <p>I have been interested in learning this language for quite some time, with no intention of diving into data science or AI. Having heard Python is an easier language compared to others I&rsquo;ve learned, like C and C++, I had initially given myself a week learning period but eventually learned it in a day.</p> <p>At around 11 pm, after numerous attempts, debugging, and questioning my life choices because of Python, I felt that tingle, and it was at that moment I knew I was no longer a beginner. Okay, that wasn&rsquo;t how I knew. I had successfully replicated several basic projects that I had previously completed in other languages. I obviously haven&rsquo;t learned everything about Python but I can say I&rsquo;m no longer a beginner. I can finally participate in conversations involving Python!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Python