How I Ended Up Lost, and Then Found, in the Dark Woods

<p>Almost ten years ago, I got lost in the woods. In all honesty, I don&rsquo;t remember if it was intentional or not. I&nbsp;<em>did&nbsp;</em>go wandering, after all, into the darkest places, filled with trees and brambles and the kinds of sounds that only creatures with very big teeth would make.</p> <p>So was it my fault I got lost?</p> <p>It&rsquo;s hard to say. Where does culpability begin or end when the entire world around you is a frightening woodland filled with dangerous creatures? When the people who promise they will protect you from that world carry you right to its borders and leave you there?</p> <p>Is it so wrong to keep going? To face the inevitable?</p> <p>As I stared into the darkness ahead, brambles curling and twisting everywhere, I felt like Little Red Riding Hood. I was equal parts foolish child who hadn&rsquo;t yet learned that there were monsters hiding everywhere and curious fledgling who felt a deep need to know not just the paved streets, but the uncharted wilderness, too.</p> <p>I was a maiden. Yes, even at 38. I was a maiden, fresh and new to the world.</p> <p>I&rsquo;d thought I was about to enter into a phase of wifehood, of motherhood. I&rsquo;d been a loyal, loving companion to my partner for seven years by then. But as I mentioned, he walked me to the woodland&rsquo;s border and left me there when he found another (literal) maiden that he felt was better suited for mothering his children.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
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