How does Kotlin Coroutines handle structured concurrency?

<p>We&rsquo;ll dive into the world of Kotlin coroutines and explore how they handle structured concurrency. Don&rsquo;t worry if you&rsquo;re not a technical person; I&rsquo;ll make sure to explain everything clearly and give real-life examples to make it easier to understand.</p> <p>Let say you&rsquo;re a manager at a restaurant, and you need to handle multiple tasks efficiently to keep things running smoothly. Each task represents a customer order, and you have a team of chefs to help you out. Instead of managing each order separately, you decide to use a structured approach.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Kotlin coroutines work so similar to this example. They help you manage multiple tasks concurrently without the hassle of dealing with low-level threading details. With structured concurrency, you can group coroutines into&nbsp;<strong>scopes</strong>. A&nbsp;<strong>scope</strong>&nbsp;ensures that all coroutines within it complete before it terminates, preventing any accidental leaks or runaway coroutines.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s say you want to</p> <p><strong>fetch data from multiple APIs and update the UI with the results</strong>.</p> <p>You create a&nbsp;<strong>coroutine scope</strong>&nbsp;for this task.</p> <p><em>If any of the coroutines fail or are canceled, the entire scope will be canceled</em>, ensuring a clean and predictable behavior.</p> <pre> import kotlinx.coroutines.* fun main() { runBlocking { // Create a coroutine scope val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default) scope.launch { // Coroutine 1: Fetch data from API 1 // ... } scope.launch { // Coroutine 2: Fetch data from API 2 // ... } // Wait for all coroutines to complete scope.coroutineContext.job.join() } }</pre> <p>Let&rsquo;s explore a real-life scenario of downloading images concurrently from multiple URLs using Kotlin coroutines. I&rsquo;ll explain the code step by step for a beginner coder.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>