How do you manage to run multiple business ventures at the same time? And your advice to aspiring entrepreneurs?

<p>You need to have had a success in one venture. You need startup and business experience. You can&rsquo;t start 5 start-ups when you&rsquo;ve never managed to run one successfully.<br /> You need access to enough funds. It&rsquo;s hard enough for entrepreneurs to get funding for one startup, let alone 5. It&rsquo;s only when you feel you have more than enough funds to optimally grow one business should you consider starting another.<br /> You need to have a highly-vested CEO to run each venture - this vesting has been our magic formula. The CEO&rsquo;s in our ventures get paid peanuts. Instead, they get sweat equity, and they&rsquo;re happy to do that because they believe in themselves and their venture. These CEO&rsquo;s do the driving.</p> <p><em>Managing multiple ventures clearly works. Elon Musk manages SpaceX, Tesla, Hyperloop, SolarCity, OpenAI, The Boring Company, Neuralink, all at the same time.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>