How Brunn-Minkowski inequality is used in Machine Learning part4

<p>Abstract : In the setting of essentially non-branching metric measure spaces, we prove the equivalence between the curvature dimension condition CD(K,N), in the sense of Lott &mdash; Sturm &mdash; Villani, and a newly introduced notion that we call strong Brunn &mdash; Minkowski inequality SBM(K,N). This condition is a reinforcement of the generalized Brunn &mdash; Minkowski inequality BM(K,N), which is known to hold in CD(K,N) spaces. Our result is a first step towards providing a full equivalence between the CD(K,N) condition and the validity of BM(K,N), which we have recently proved in the framework of weighted Riemannian manifolds.</p> <p>2.Horocyclic Brunn-Minkowski inequality</p> <p>(arXiv)</p> <p>Author :&nbsp;<a href=";query=Assouline%2C+R" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Rotem Assouline</a>,&nbsp;<a href=";query=Klartag%2C+B" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Bo&rsquo;az Klartag</a></p> <p>Abstract : Given two non-empty subsets A and B of the hyperbolic plane H2, we define their horocyclic Minkowski sum with parameter &lambda;=1/2 as the set [A:B]1/2&sube;H2 of all midpoints of horocycle curves connecting a point in A with a point in B. These horocycle curves are parameterized by hyperbolic arclength, and the horocyclic Minkowski sum with parameter 0&lt;&lambda;&lt;1 is defined analogously. We prove that when A and B are Borel-measurable,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>