How BNB Almost Crashed: The Venus-BNB Alliance That Prevented Disaster

<h1><strong><em>PRDT Weekly Deep Dive &mdash; 28 August 2023</em></strong></h1> <p>The fast-paced world of decentralized finance (DeFi) is a hub of innovation, occasionally giving rise to unexpected challenges. On October 6th, 2022, a significant event unfolded that provided a gripping insight into the tenacity of the crypto community and the delicate balance between decentralized autonomy and well-coordinated intervention.</p> <h2>Exploitation and Strategic Maneuvering</h2> <p><img alt="" src="*TEfW8qpru6VrbRvYg15GRw.gif" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Our story begins with the exploitation of a vulnerability in the BNB Chain bridge, a link connecting different blockchain networks. This weakness acted as an entry point for a hacker to generate a staggering 2 million BNB tokens on that decisive October day. Subsequently, 900,000 BNB were deposited onto the Venus Protocol &mdash; a cutting-edge decentralized lending platform that we are proud to call our partner. The hacker aimed to borrow and withdraw around $150 million worth of USDT and USDC.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="569" scrolling="no" src=";key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&amp;schema=twitter&amp;url=https%3A//;image=https%3A//" title="Venus Protocol on Twitter: &quot;1/2 Venus Protocol experienced NO EXPLOIT and funds are SAFE! The possible BNB threat actor has used the Venus platform to open an overcollateralized position of app. $254M and borrow app. $147.5M against 900K BNB Tokens deposited. / Twitter&quot;" width="680"></iframe></p> <h2>The Hacker&rsquo;s Strategic Move</h2> <p>The hacker&rsquo;s strategic approach was undeniably clever &mdash; aiming to quickly convert the borrowed assets into substantial profits. While their exact motive remains speculative, their intended outcome was clear: to set off a chain of events that could potentially disrupt the blockchain&rsquo;s balance, affecting the value of BNB and potentially unsettling the entire DeFi ecosystem.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: BNB Alliance