How AI is Challenging Traditional Software Development

<p>For anyone who knows me well, you&rsquo;ll most likely realize that I have an unhealthy obsession with LEGO for an adult. There&rsquo;s something very satisfying about using small building blocks to create something bigger, whether you&rsquo;re following preset instructions or taking the time to plan and create something truly unique.</p> <p>While I personally am not a fan of Play-Doh, I do recognise that it can be used to create very creative and detailed pieces. Perhaps, if one is so inclined, you could combine LEGO&rsquo;s structural integrity with the creative and detailed application of Play-Doh to create a unique masterpiece.</p> <p>In traditional software development, you&rsquo;re assembling pre-defined &ldquo;blocks&rdquo; of code/syntax/logic, much like LEGO bricks, to build a functional program. Every piece has its purpose, and you&rsquo;ll need to follow certain paradigms or algorithms to get the desired outcome.</p> <p>On the other hand, working with AI and Machine Learning (Large Language Models in particular at the present, but the concepts apply to most types of AI/ML) feels more like working with Play-Doh. These models bring a level of adaptability and creativity, allowing computer programs to tackle problems in more fluid and innovative ways.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>