8th House Ruler

<p>In astrology, the 8th house is associated with transformation, shared resources, deep intimacy, and uncovering hidden truths. The planet that rules your 8th house, often referred to as the 8th house ruler, plays a significant role in shaping your approach to power, shared assets, and your capacity for deep, transformative experiences. Let&rsquo;s explore the concept of the 8th house ruler, both in Western and Vedic astrology, and delve into the importance of assessing its strength.</p> <p>Western Astrology:</p> <p>In Western astrology, the 8th house ruler depends on the zodiac sign that occupies the cusp of your 8th house in your natal chart. Each zodiac sign is associated with a specific planet, and this planetary ruler profoundly influences your approach to shared resources, transformation, and intimacy. Here&rsquo;s a reference to the planetary rulers for each zodiac sign in Western astrology:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@HermesAstrology/8th-house-ruler-a8cb783f33e0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Houses RULER