How to Set up an Access Point with Hostapd

<p>In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up a Wi-Fi Access Point using hostapd, a popular open-source software package for creating Wi-Fi networks on Linux systems.</p> <h2><strong>Install Hostapd &amp; Dnsmasq</strong></h2> <p>For the Access Point to work, you&rsquo;ll need two items:</p> <ul> <li>hostapd &mdash; the Access Point software.</li> <li>dnsmasq &mdash; a DHCP server that will provide IP addresses to the clients.</li> </ul> <p>So, start up the Linux system, and in the terminal type:</p> <pre> apt install dnsmasq hostapd</pre> <h2><strong>Set up the Access Point</strong></h2> <p>Run the &ldquo;iwconfig&rdquo; command to see the available wireless network interfaces (wlan0, wlan1&hellip;).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: point Hostapd