The Hong Kong Eight

<p>The Hong Kong government has issued an arrest warrant and HK$1 million dollar bounties on eight people they deemed to have violated the city&rsquo;s National Security Law passed in 2020 by Beijing. I&rsquo;ve already written about how ridiculous the law was because the language was so broad almost anything can fall within the definition if the government wanted it to. At the time I wrote about it, I assumed the CCP had the same reasonableness standard when crafting laws as we do in most free and open societies. The CCP has since proved to me that their standard is whatever they say is legal or illegal. The written law is just window dressing to give everyone else (democracies) the assumption that CCP China, and therefore the Hong Kong government, is a &ldquo;rule of law&rdquo; country.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hong Kong