MODELLER usage for Homology Modelling: Tutorial with codes in 5 simple steps — Part 1
<p>In simple words, let's say you have a protein molecule <strong>"A"</strong> that is a newly found protein, or it is a protein that is difficult to purify ( proteins are super-duper tough to purify, ufff I wish they weren't ), then we try finding a similar protein molecule to this molecule, say <strong>"B", </strong>and <strong>based on the structure of B, we try to develop the structure of A. </strong>Now, I agree that the structure might not be absolutely correct, but it still helps us understand what the structure of A could look like, and further study its properties. Now typically in homology modelling, you call the protein <strong>"A" </strong>a target protein, because that is what we are targeting to find the structure of, and we call <strong>"B"</strong> a template protein because it is a template to build our target structure on it.</p>
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