Homemade Sugar Wax Without Honey or Lemon + How to Use (No Strips Needed)

<p>The basic recipe for a homemade sugar wax would usually include three ingredients, sugar, honey, and lemon juice. However, it&rsquo;s possible to make a DIY wax without honey or lemon, as long as you have granulated sugar at home as well as some other ingredients that prevent wax crystallization and hardening &mdash; which is why honey and lemon are usually added.</p> <p>So, in today&rsquo;s article, we&rsquo;ll share an easy recipe for homemade sugar wax without honey or lemon, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to use it without strips, reducing waste and helping the environment.</p> <p>But first, let&rsquo;s dive into what ingredients you can use instead of honey and lemon juice in the recipe.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@allprettybits/homemade-sugar-wax-without-honey-or-lemon-how-to-use-no-strips-needed-be9c32f57bb0"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: homemade Sugar