Hong Kong’s not so holy Temple Street

<p>When a street is named in reference to religiosity or the worship of gods, one might associate it enshrined with purity or at the least squeaky clean. The reality could not be more different on Temple Street, a dingy thoroughfare situated on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong.</p> <p>This street is lined with a litter of pushcarts selling an assortment of cheap artefacts and the place is known for its night market. For me, I was looking instead for some direction from another world; needing guidance amid disarray which the pandemic had wrought upon my life. As I arrived at the famous gate, shrill pitches of Cantonese Opera led me northward to one of the many fortune tellers the place is famous for, and I realised I had also stepped into a place fossilized in time.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@stellastanlee/hong-kongs-not-so-holy-temple-street-db8521e6fbee"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: holy Temple