The Great Holiday Swap: When Columbus Got Lost Again and Found Indigenous Peoples’ Day

<p>Indigenous Peoples&rsquo; Day, the one day a year where we, as a society, collectively pretend to remember the rich tapestry of native cultures that predate our nation-states. Now, before you say, &ldquo;Wait a minute, isn&rsquo;t this just a politically correct version of Columbus Day?&rdquo; let&rsquo;s dive into the annals of history to answer that. Do you remember the good old days when Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, completely missed his intended destination, and stumbled upon America &mdash; or rather, the land that was already thriving with life and culture long before he decided to drop by uninvited. Look, if Columbus had a Yelp review for navigation, it would be a solid one-star. The point is, he did not exactly &ldquo;discover&rdquo; America; he merely popularized it in a Eurocentric narrative. In recent years, however, the wind has shifted. We have gone from glorifying Mr. &ldquo;Oops, Wrong Turn&rdquo; to acknowledging that, well, there were people here first. Enter stage left: Indigenous Peoples&rsquo; Day, the holiday that aims to set the historical record straight without the need for a time-traveling DeLorean.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Holiday Swap