Lines of my Eyes

<p>I remember when the white kids in my elementary school would pull their eyes horizontally in order to mock me. I just couldn&rsquo;t escape the ridicule both at home and at school. I would come home to the women in my family that all had beautiful big double eye-lidded eyes and yet I didn&rsquo;t look like that. My mom, my aunts, and my cousins all had it but I was the oddball out.</p> <p>I would watch videos on Youtube on double eyelid surgery and watch interviews of Asian women who had the procedure done. They all seemed happier after getting the surgery. They all felt prettier too. Their before and after photos all showed them being miserable before and then smiling after. I knew I wanted that. I couldn&rsquo;t wait to be like those girls on the posters with their before and after pictures.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: hite Kids