Get the History Right

<p>Researching for&nbsp;<em>Optimus: Praetorian Guard</em>&nbsp;and the sequel&nbsp;<em>Stephanus</em>, added to a lifelong interest in Greek and Roman history I have found movies and TV shows set in this time period wanting. My complaints</p> <p>1.&nbsp;<strong>Anachronistic language</strong>. True Romans and Greeks didn&rsquo;t speak English, but they had a lot of profane words, why not use them. Instead of shit, use&nbsp;<em>Cacat</em>, the root word for caca in Spanish. The Stars series of&nbsp;<em>Spartacus</em>&nbsp;and others lace it with &ldquo;fuck,&rdquo; they used c<em>oitus,</em>&nbsp;do some research and find out their equivalent for whatever profanity you want to use. The graffiti from that time period is ripe with pictures of those being ridiculed copulating with animals and inanimate objects. They did use&nbsp;<em>cunni</em>&nbsp;for vagina and&nbsp;<em>mentula</em>&nbsp;for penis.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: History