Hiring Buzzwords and the Paper Ceiling

<p>The Paper Ceiling. An invisible barrier that comes for workers without a bachelor&#39;s degree. It comes with a next-to-non-existent professional network, no alumni network, being screened out of entry-level positions, stereotypes, and misconceptions.</p> <p>There you are, a hiring manager, amidst the daunting task of sifting through a vast sea of applications for your open position. You&rsquo;ve narrowed it down to a handful of candidates who all appear promising and capable of meeting your organization&rsquo;s needs. But then, among them, you stumble upon an intriguing individual who lacks a traditional degree or higher education. Suddenly, the decision becomes both simpler and more complex simultaneously.</p> <p><a href="https://betterprogramming.pub/hiring-buzzwords-and-the-paper-ceiling-8373d4b56d89"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>