Hiring a Technical Marketing Content Writer for B2B SaaS and Blockchain Companies

<p>Sooner or later, technology will become the new oxygen &mdash; that&rsquo;s if it&rsquo;s not there already. Everyone, one way or another, uses at least one tech product; it could be a smartphone, smartwatch, artificial intelligence (AI), website, social media app, cloud product, Google product, and the list continues.</p> <p>With&nbsp;<a href="https://unfccc.int/blog/frontier-technology" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">frontier technologies</a>&nbsp;like blockchain, AI, and cloud computing taking over the tech space, tech companies need more technical writers to spread trustworthy information to their audience and prospects. But publishing user guides, tutorials, or manuals is not the only interest of SaaS or blockchain companies &mdash; growth is too. And the only way to go about it is to make more sales and generate more leads.</p> <p>According to&nbsp;<a href="https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/future-of-marketing/emerging-technology/integrated-marketing-statistics/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Google/Econsultancy, U.S</a>. report, leading companies are 1.5 times as likely as mainstream companies to have an integrated marketing and advertising technology stack. SaaS companies need to balance building communities through content or information and making sales through marketing.</p> <p>The solution? Technical marketing content.</p> <h1>What is technical marketing content?</h1> <p>Technical marketing content is a combination of technical writing and content marketing. Technical writing is a form of writing that includes crafting user manuals, guides, tutorials, whitepapers, software documentation, etc. However, content marketing is the use of content strategy to sell online.</p> <p>Content strategy may include blog posts, social media posts, public relations, case studies, video or audio tutorials, articles, op-eds, etc. So long as your ulterior or primary intent is to sell with content, you&rsquo;re doing content marketing.</p> <h1>Who is a technical marketing content writer or strategist?</h1> <p>Simple answer: A technical marketing content writer or strategist is someone who does technical marketing content. You must have figured that out by now, which is why I explained the &ldquo;technical marketing content&rdquo; first.</p> <p>Technical marketing content writers are skilled in SEO and writing. While writing might make up about 70% of their aptitude, experience in that particular industry, SEO, and research make up the rest.</p> <p>For redundancy purposes, I&rsquo;d abbreviate technical marketing content writer. So you&rsquo;ll be seeing more of TMCW from this point.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@charleschimezirim/hiring-a-technical-marketing-content-writer-for-b2b-saas-and-blockchain-companies-3c1209e68bf9">Read More</a></p>