How Are Hindu Scriptures So Accurate About Date & Time?

<p>Ancient Indians or today&rsquo;s Hindus extensively make use of Panchang/Panjika for all important things in life. The usage of panchang has been there since time immemorial. We can rightly claim it is a spiritual as well as scientific calendar. Since ancient times, Panchang has been used by people to Calculate the auspicious times for the various important events in life. The name Panchang is derived from two root words namely Pancha (five) and Ang (aspects) meaning it works with five different kinds of inputs namely day of the week (Vara), lunar day (Thithi), constellation (Nakshatra), Yoga and Karana.</p> <p>Our world has witnessed some great civilizations and each of these civilizations gave us something to learn from. One thing that is probably common to all of these civilizations and our ancestors is the accuracy with which they knew the time of the day, the day of the week and the month.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>