The Dos and Don’ts of a Hindu Prayer Altar (puja ghar)

<p>In every Hindu home, you will find a small home altar or mandir for the proper worship of the home&rsquo;s murtis. A murti is an embodiment of a Hindu god in any form which is usually a statue of the god or goddesses. Although, we do believe that God resides in anything you are surrounded with, we do say too, that when inviting certain deities in your home, there are a few guidelines to be followed. I have learnt from what has been passed by my mother and my family who belonged to a long line of Brahmin pandits. I do see some people&rsquo;s puja ghar with some mistakes in their displays, but it&rsquo;s a very sensitive issue, and when I can I try to discreetly suggest the corrections. I shall share with you, the knowledge I have inherited and learnt from India.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hindu Prayer