Greek and Hindu Mythologies: Are these two sides of the same coin?

<p>The origins of Globalisation is sometimes placed in the modern era with the discovery of trade routes. If we go further, we can also see its roots in the ancient world through Tyrian/Phoenician civilizations, trading in their famous purple dye, whose success can also be attributed to the invention of Phoenecian Alphabet. As per Greek Mythology, this was in Levant (present-day Lebanon) where Cadmus and the other Tyrian brothers set out in search of their sister Europa who had been abducted by Zeus, in the form of a white bull. History and mythology gets beautifully intertwined. And when we look at various mythologies- specially Greek and Hindu Mythology- the similarities are so striking that one cannot help but wonder that may be the stories came down from common ancestors and branched out into different versions and cultures. How this could be possible, or whether there is any truth in it- it&rsquo;s is hard to say but the thought itself has always been quite intriguing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>