How Inadequacies Hinder Opportunities for Growth
<p>What if I told you that inadequacies can significantly reduce the chances of success?</p>
<p>Look: a lazy person is less likely to succeed in their dealings — while a disciplined and hardworking individual can ramp up their possibilities for growth.</p>
<p>Essentially, what I’m trying to say is that there’s a good chance that some of your weaknesses can indeed hamper your growth trajectory.</p>
<p>When I tried being more consistent in my affairs, I realized that things started working out well for me. I’ve started building my writing business while improving my study habits.</p>
<p>As for me, I’ve been battling downright lethargy and heavy alcoholism. I’ve realized that by reducing these habits, things have changed drastically.</p>
<p>In fact, I once came across some materials from Tony Robbins, a globally renowned life coach and motivational speaker who pointed out that success is success constitutes 80% psychology mettle and 20% mechanics.</p>
<p>Quite simply, what I learned from this is that if you can organize yourself psychologically, then you’d significantly increase your chances for growth.</p>
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