Hiking Walnut Canyon in Flagstaff

<p>As I lean over the lip of Walnut Canyon, the wind cuts through my many layers of clothing and I shield my eyes from the blinding December sun. I imagine the ecological event, possibly volcanic, that created this immense stone basin millions of years ago.</p> <p>Wreathing the upper rim are pi&ntilde;on pine, yucca, and prickly pear cactus, more populous on the south side because it gets more hours of sunlight. In the center, a rock formation upthrusts like a castle surrounded by an empty moat, though not entirely empty, as a creek flows through the unseen valley floor. All that is visible of the canyon bottom are Arizona black walnut trees.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/iberospherical/hiking-walnut-canyon-in-flagstaff-786f3a1bfe17"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hiking Walnut