The hiking journey

<p>In 2018, I completed the 52 Hikes Challenge for the first time. It was an experience that pushed me to complete hikes I wouldn&rsquo;t usually do, and to hike on my own if no one was free over the weekend &mdash; in order to complete my goal orientated number of hikes in the year. It meant that I had a goal I was working towards all year &mdash; one that was just for me. I met new souls, joined new hiking groups, saw incredible places and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. In the year, you can log your hikes in a excel spreadsheet. This was one of my favourite parts of the challenge as I am a huge fan of lists. I love seeing the progress, and being able to look back on where I&rsquo;ve been to. I noted the place, country, distance of hike and who I did the hike with. In the year, I did&nbsp;<strong>418.54</strong>&nbsp;kilometres, hiked 3 different peaks, across 3 different countries (Indonesia, Australia and Taiwan).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hiking Journey