My Son Was A Street Artist in High School

<p>When our youngest son was in kindergarten, he told his teacher, he was going to be an artist when we grew up. And, at 21, soon to be 22 he is making his living as an artist.</p> <p>Before he did two paid murals at a bridal store in La Crosse, Wisconsin, which involved spray paint, he used colored pencils to hone his drawing skills. His early drawings were hyperrealistic portraits of friends and celebrities. These are still some of my favorite pieces of his work.</p> <p>His art teacher at the high school wanted him to try painting. He did and it has stuck! Using a combination of spray paint, acrylics, and oil paint he creates paintings of athletes and celebrities, some commissioned and signed by the subject.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*KGUzY9DdR9kzpvPz" style="height:525px; width:700px" /></p> <p>One of the two murals my son painted on the side of a bridal shop in La Crosse, Wisconsin. &copy; Carol Labuzzetta, 2019.</p> <h2>While I could continue to sing his praises, this post is about street art. It is in response to the August Challenge of the month from Globetrotters.</h2> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Street artist