Silenced Voices, Hidden Struggles: PRC Transnational Repression on Overseas Human Right Activists — Summary version

<p>Eric Hsu, Researcher, Doublethink Lab<br /> Ai-Men Lau, Research Analyst, Doublethink Lab</p> <p>This article is a summary version of the<em>&nbsp;Silenced Voices, Hidden Struggles: PRC Transnational Repression on Overseas Human Right Activists report.</em>&nbsp;This project conducted a series of qualitative interviews with a total of 29 dissidents from overseas communities in Tibet, Uyghur, China, and Hong Kong to identify and analyze the cases, techniques, aims, of PRC government&rsquo;s transnational repression of overseas democracy movement activists. And also current challenges of advocacy and overseas democratic movements.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>