We Drink from the Same Hidden Spring, Whatever Name We Give It

<p>In ancient Greece,&nbsp;<strong>Persephone</strong>, the maiden Goddess of the earth, was captured and held for a long time in the underworld. During that time, her mother the&nbsp;<strong>Earth</strong>&nbsp;herself, so missed her lovely spirit that she became barren, and a cold and sterile&nbsp;<strong>Ever-winter</strong>&nbsp;fell across the land.</p> <p>When Persephone was finally released from the travails of hell, she returned to the earth with such joy, that every step of her bare foot that touched the barren ground&nbsp;<strong>mysteriously</strong>&nbsp;caused a swath of green and flowers to spread in every direction.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ckukur/lines-in-the-sand-longing-in-the-heart-79613c7eda87"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hidden Spring