Hidden Geometry in Music as a Healing Mechanism

<p>The relationship between music and geometry is a mesmerizing dance, a language shared by these seemingly disparate realms. While perfect geometric shapes like triangles and squares often get touted as the ultimate representation of musical harmony, the reality is far more nuanced and scientifically intriguing.</p> <p><strong>The Myth of Perfect Shapes and Equal Temperament:</strong></p> <p>It&rsquo;s true that equal temperament tuning, the standard system used in modern Western music, creates perfect geometric shapes when visualizing musical intervals. This system divides the octave into 12 equal half steps, resulting in aesthetically pleasing triangles, squares, and so on. However, the sonic truth is less idyllic.</p> <p><a href="https://diveyez.medium.com/hidden-geometry-in-music-as-a-healing-mechanism-bbbd2a0bd237"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>