On Your Mark, Get Set, Spawn! The Annual SF Bay Herring Run Is About to Begin

<p>The San Francisco Bay herring run is one of the more underrated nature spectaculars of the year, and it is arriving at any moment. If you&rsquo;re not in the know and just happen upon it, consider yourself lucky &mdash; what you&rsquo;ll see is amazing.</p> <p>The run can happen anytime between November and March, when schools of Pacific herring (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_herring" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">C<em>lupea pallasii</em></a>) that have swum into the Bay&rsquo;s deep channels and estuaries make their way to spawn in shallow shoreline waters, depositing a blanket of eggs in eelgrass, kelp beds, even along piers and rocks. The roe sticks to every available surface, and males fertilize it with milt, or sperm, that can turn shallow water a&nbsp;milky white.</p> <p><a href="https://thefrisc.com/on-your-mark-get-set-spawn-the-annual-sf-bay-herring-run-is-about-to-begin-91ffbc592e8b"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Herring Run